Cheers to 60 Years!

by Melissa Dyrdahl, BA - ICHP Communications Manager
July 17, 2023

Founded in 1963, ICHP celebrates its 60th anniversary this year!  A huge milestone like that gets me thinking about all the things that have changed since the infancy of ICHP. 

The same year ICHP got its start these milestones were also happening (1):

60 Years Facts.png

I’m sure there are numerous members who remember these milestones.  Many of us were not even alive yet, so these new creations – touchtone phones, zip codes, Sunny D – we’ve never known a world without these things.  Even the last few baby boomers didn’t make their way into the world until 1964. (2) That means for almost every one of our current members, ICHP was firmly established by the time you started practicing in Illinois.   Like the iconic image of a smiley face to our Gen X, Millennial, and Gen Z members (and even some baby boomers) – you have never known Illinois pharmacy without the presence of ICHP – and that’s pretty amazing to think about!   

For ICHP’s 50-year anniversary in 2013, a special subcommittee, chaired by Dr. Avery Spunt, put together a book on the history of ICHP. (3) The people featured are just like you – passionate about the practice of pharmacy.  They worked hard to create the organization that you now look to for support, advocacy, comradery – the organization that YOU now get to shape. 

It’s incredible what can change over sixty years.  It’s even more incredible to realize that the work you are doing now will become new legacies for ICHP.  So, what stories will we be writing about you in another sixty years?


Please join us at the ICHP Annual Meeting for a small anniversary celebration!
September 21-23, 2023
Oakbrook Terrace, IL

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