ICHP Position Statement - Intermediate and OTC Category of Drug Products

The Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists (ICHP) supports the switch of drugs from legend status to over the counter (OTC) status when the drug can be used by consumers safely and effectively to treat select medical conditions that can be self-diagnosed and managed without medical supervision.

ICHP recognizes the trend toward greater consumer participation in their healthcare and that having greater access to some medications facilitates self-care.

ICHP supports the development of an intermediate category of non-prescription drugs that would be available from pharmacists.  Pharmacists would provide these drugs to patients along with appropriate clinical assessment, monitoring and professional consultation. Examples include, but not limited to, of such drugs include statins, oseltamivir, oral contraceptives injectable epinephrine to treat anaphylaxis, inhaled corticosteroids, leukotriene modifiers, inhaled beta2 agonists for asthma, select therapies for osteoporosis and hypertension, and vaccines.

The Intermediate Category of Drug Products has also been referred to as "behind-the-counter drugs", "pharmacist-only drugs".


  1. Anon.  ASHP statement on criteria for an intermediate category of drug products. (https://www.ashp.org/-/media/assets/policy-guidelines/docs/statements/criteria-intermediate-class-of-drugs.ashx   , last accessed 1/25/2023).
  2. Anon.  Council on Therapeutics 2116:  Nonprescription availability of oseltamivir.  Report on Implementation of 2021 ASHP House of Delegates Actions.                   (https://www.ashp.org/-/media/assets/policy-guidelines/docs/browse-by-document-type-policy-positions-1982-2017-with-rationales-pdf.ashx, last accessed 1/25/2023).
  3. Anon.  ASHP position statement 1410 on Access to oral contraceptives through a intermediate category of drug products.  (https://www.ashp.org/-/media/assets/policy-guidelines/docs/browse-by-document-type-policy-positions-1982-2017-with-rationales-pdf.ashx, last accessed 1/25/2023).
  4. Anon.  ASHP Statement on the over-the-counter availability of statins.,  Am J Health-Syst-Pharm 2005;62:2420-2422.

Reviewed 09/2014, 06/2017, 01/2018, 02/2021, 02/2023